Bank Have Saving Security? These are the advantages and disadvantages
Along with the times, bank continue to improve their services by innovating products and features. This service improvement certainly makes it easier for people to carry out financial activities, including saving at the bank.
Below are the advantages of saving at the bank.
1. Interest Profits and Profit Sharing
Even though interest rates are not a major consideration for most customers, interest still has an impact on the funds saved. Indeed, the benefits derived from interest are not much. However, if you save for a long time and the funds saved over time get bigger, interest on savings will provide significant benefits.
2. Security
Security is one of the important factors in saving at a bank. Because it has a layered security system, both physical and non-physical. Non-physically, in ensuring money security, and working with the Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS). When a problem occurs that has a negative impact …
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